Order Tracking & Shipment Information:
Once your order is made and payment method is confirmed, you will receive a receipt via WhatsApp or by e-mail, with details regarding your purchase; our team will then dispatch your order. Please inform us if you prefer to receive a Gift Receipt.
Nejla Bint Asem’s pieces are delivered free of charge throughout Jordan and will be delivered within 3-7 business days from when you made your order. Shipment duration varies based on the piece’s customization, size, and weight.
Global shipments have an additional fee of $50. Shipment duration varies based on the piece’s customization, size, weight, and your destination.
We will provide you with an order track to stay up-to-date and confirm estimated arrival date.
Exchange Policy:
If you wish to return a Nejla Bint Asem piece, please note the following:
You have up to 10 days, from delivery date, to return the piece.The piece should be in good condition, unused, and undamaged with its tag and the original package.
You are free to exchange the piece once the abovementioned points are met. You can choose a piece with the same price or higher. We are unable to exchange your piece with cash or credit.
For customized pieces, please note the following:
Since the customized piece is unique and has been customized for you, we won’t be able to accept exchanges unless the item was damaged once it was delivered to you.
*The Mystic Vision / Eyes Collection is an exceptional case.
Product Care:
If you received the piece with a defect, please contact our team. We provide a 1-year guarantee for every piece.
Your satisfaction is our priority!